Journey Practitioner Mastery
A Unique 3 ½-day Mastery Course Exclusively for Journey Practitioners & Life Transformation Week Grads!
with Brandon Bays

Yes, I Want to Join JP Mastery
Journey Practitioner Mastery
A Unique 3 ½-day Mastery Course Exclusively for Journey Practitioners & Life Transformation Week Grads!
with Brandon Bays

Yes, I Want to Join JP Mastery
DEVELOP true mastery as a Journey Practitioner
Dive deeply into satsang with Janaki and learn the magical skills that turn a Journey Practitioner into a Master Practitioner. Discover how to let go of all formulas and be a sublimely elegant facilitator of graceful transformation and healing. Clear your remaining subtle and unnoticed hooks and patterns, and become an open channel for infinite potential to play through.
At Journey Practitioner Mastery Training
You Will:
Learn and implement the most recent, effective, and innovative process work – going beyond Brandon’s teachings at the Life Transformation Week to true mastery.

Discover some of the latest No Ego and Enneagram insights and techniques, and apply them in your own life so you can more elegantly and effectively help others.

Dive into Satsang: clear our own deeper, hidden or unrecognized issues and offer Journeywork from a mind-free depth of being. Spend precious one-to-one time with Brandon as she works masterfully with your deepest core issues.

Work exclusively with other Journey practitioners and learn directly from their inspiration and experience.

Support each other in strengthening The Journey community.

Update your Journey Practitioner recommended status and deepen in your practice. 
Attend even before you are Accredited and benefit from the in-depth teachings.

Let this be your time to become the healing presence you were meant to be. Become a true master of life transformation, and truly, from the inside out, Be the change you wish to see in the world.
The Journey Practitioner Mastery course
is the quickest way to update your Practitioner recommended
status and benefit from:
Recommendations from our office: when enquiries for one-on-one work are brought to us, we refer only to Recommended Practitioners
Advertising your name and Practice on The Journey website
Remain in tune and familiar with the latest, deepest and most effective Journey teachings, skills and practices.
6-9 February 2025
Early Bird A$977
Valid until 30 Sept
Use code: JPMAU25
Price $1397
Hear what others say about the Journey Practitioner Mastery
Blown away by this online Mastery in so many ways. Huge gratitude and love to all.  Being in person has always been my preference, yet this method online was held in such a loving embrace that the miles slipped away, and I highly recommend it to all practitioners. There are no words to express my heartfelt thanks to Brandon and the Beloved Journey Family, I love you.
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Thank you so much for this Beautiful Retreat. I was struggling for months and got all the journeys I needed at 1 Weekend to solve the problem. I am blessed beyond words. Thank you Brandon, Gaby, all the AV-Team, all participants
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Manuela Schiffer
Thank you so very much, I am so grateful to beloved Brandon and the dream team and practitioners for creating such a beautiful, sacred healing space for the Journey Practitioners Mastery weekend filled with love and grace. This possibility of a dream come true and a chance to truly connect from the heart with truth with our Journey family during these challenging times has been a priceless gift. I have regained my energy, feeling much more joyful, lighter and filled with love to create a brighter future together. I would recommend this everyone. Love and blessings 
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Neela Gohil
Thank you for this Journey Practitioner Mastery Online! It’s so wonderful, deep and touching. It works amazing in this space between all countries! I love it, and recommend it to all the Journey Lovers - and as well to the Newbies!
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Tanja Witzmann
DISCLAIMER: The Journey Method is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical condition or illness, nor has it been scientifically validated in such regard. We can make no promises or guarantees as to its effects, and advise you to always follow the advice of your qualified medical practitioner.

What we do know, however, is that there is increasing scientific research that validates healing at a cellular level. Furthermore, over the past 20+ years many thousands of people have used The Journey Method with, according to their own reports, extraordinary and lasting results. If you would like to discover your own body’s natural healing potential and liberate your infinite potential, we are confident you too will become one of our ardent advocates.

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